sustainable fashion is here


earth friendly luxury

Conscious living is no longer a trend it is a lifestyle. Extending beyond food and every day products, materials used in the clothing we wear has an impact on not only the environment and planet, but also our bodies. 


Our organic cotton contains no GMO seeds or synthetic pesticides, preserves water and promotes fair pay in the developing world. Our pieces, made with sourced, certified fair trade organic pima cotton, are created to provide you with “feel good fashion” that does good for the environment. 


A number of harmful effects of non-organic cottons and fabrics can leave skin irritated, cause headaches, trap chemical residue and more.  The reduction in the use of contaminated cotton also helps protect farmers and workers who are in constant contact with materials.


What’s more, organic cotton production also allows for the planting of fruits and vegetables in fields, expanding the opportunity for those around the world to practice sustainable living.


And we also love hemp. Hemp is the only plant that can feed you, house you, clothe you, and heal you. Hemp sequesters carbon from the atmosphere and grows without pesticides. One acre of industrial hemp can absorb up to 30,000 pounds of carbon per year.

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